
Web Interactives

Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative

Given the complexity of the MAP project — being conceived and organized by the sponsor and project leadership around three regions (South and Southeast Asia, Latin American, Middle East and North Africa), each headed by an expert guest curator, with each exhibition premiering at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC and then traveling to one or two collaborating museums elsewhere in the world — I advocated for three different types of digital media content cross-referencing within the project’s microsite, providing design/treatment samples and content assets for each:

  1. a series of pages organized by artist that combined all artworks, videos, audios, photos, blog posts, text Q&A’s, etc. relating to that artist (our Global Communications department took this on as the Artist Pages–see below for link)
  2. an interactive map-based view, organized by location, where the visitor could filter digital content by region, color-coded for visual ease, as well as by type of content via icons (our Interactive department took this on as MAP Navigator–see below screen recording)
  3. an interactive column-based page organized by theme, where the viewer could filter digital content by type and see associated regions by color icon (our Education department took this on to narrow down and simplify the themes that I’d suggested, and our Interactive department implemented this as MAP Currents, which I named–see below)

The original set of Artist Pages was organized by region and had a collage-style layout, but were streamlined and made responsive with the overall website re-design. Click here to see the first of the 85 artist pages on the current site.

Below is a brief screen recording of MAP Navigator done halfway through the project:

Below are “scrolling views” of each of the four themes, showing all types of content (viewer could filter by type via the drop-down menu on the upper right):